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The useful use of YouTube is by following the useful channels, especially educational channels in various fields, but most of these clips are slow, which takes a long time to complete, which may lead to boredom and not complete the educational videos, so you must speed up the video, but if you want to shorten more time, you have to skip the parts Silent, which we will learn about in this post.

Skip Silence is a free and open source add-on for Google Chrome browser, through which you can skip the silent parts of YouTube videos and any web media player that supports html5. In order to learn more and in a short time, you can watch this video to see how the extension works

Install the extension from the link at the bottom of the post and it will appear next to the address bar and when you enter a site such as YouTube, the icon will be activated. All you have to do is play any clip and then click on the icon to display the options, which are as follows:
1. Skip the silent parts and speed up the video.
2. Select the lowest volume that will skip the silent parts
3. Select the lowest volume that will not be skipped initially.
4. Video acceleration up to 5 times.
5. Accelerate skip silent parts.
In this way, you will make many videos in a short time, but keep in mind not to increase the speed significantly in the educational videos so that your comprehension is not negatively affected.

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